Garlic Salt
Benefits :
可以降低血压 / can reduce blood pressure
可以对抗疾病,包括普通感冒 / can combat sickness , including the common cold
营养丰富,但卡路里很少 / highly nutritious but has very few calories
How To Use :
摇晃到比萨饼和沙拉上以获得特殊的欧陆风味 / shaking onto pizzas and salads for special continental flavour
洒在土豆泥和烤土豆上 / sprinkling onto mashed potato and roast potatoes
加入砂锅菜和炖菜代替新鲜大蒜 / adding casseroles and stews in place of fresh garlic
搅拌成意大利面酱,然后翻炒以获得即食大蒜味 / stirring into pasta sauces and stir fries for instant garlic flavour
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