Food Safety Policy

– The management has established a food safety policy which includes the commitment to ensure the safety and suitability of the produced foods. This policy has been communicated to all employees.

– In order to achieve this policy, the company is committed to implementing a HACCP system to control related food safety hazards.

– The management reviewed the outcome of the policy during the management review to ensure all required activities within the HACCP system are effectively implemented and maintained.

– We shall fully abide by the legislation, regulations and relevant standard codes related to food safety and quality

Food Safety Objective

– To minimise raw material food safety defects to a maximum of 3 cases per year.

– To achieve zero (0) food safety complaint.

– To minimise the deviation from control limits for CCP to 3 cases per year.

– To ensure our finished products fulfilled the allowable microbiological levels, heavy metal content level and moisture content level.

We Yew Chian Haw (M) Sdn. Bhd. is committed to producing safe products under a hygienic condition and healthy nation to maintain health and fitness, therefore our motto “Prevention against Treatment” is our mission.

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