Ginseng Root & Yok Chok Soup
Nutrition(per serving): Calories/kalori= 182kcal, protein= 4.62g, Saturated fat/lemak tepu= 0.034g, Trans fat/ Lemak trans= 0g, Carbohydrate/karbohidrat= 40.7g, Sugar/gula= 0.5g, Sodium/garam= 0.14g
Weight: 30gm
用法: (3至4人)
1.將1.5公升水煮開後,加入游建好 “参须玉竹汤” 配料與五百克任何肉頹
Ingredients: Radix Ginseng, Rhizoma Polygonati Officinalis, Fructus Lycii
Benefits : Reduce cough, Nourish the lungs, Moisten dryness in lungs, Strengthen stomach, Strengthen Immune System
Preparation : (3-4 person)
1.Boil 1.5L water,add in YCH Ginseng Root and Yok Chok Soup and bring to boil.
2.Then add 500gm of Chicken or any kind meat to simmer until meat tender. Add salt to taste. The dish is ready to serve.
Kandungan: Radix Ginseng, Rhizoma Polygonati Officinalis, Fructus Lycii
Khasiat : Mengurangkan batuk, Menyuburkan paru-paru, Melembapkan kekeringan pada paru-paru, Menguatkan perut, Menguatkan Sistem Imun
Penyediaan : (3-4 orang)
1. Didihkan 1.5L air, masukkan YCH Ginseng Root dan Yok Chok Soup dan biarkan mendidih.
2.Kemudian masukkan 500gm Ayam atau apa-apa jenis daging hingga mendidih sehingga daging empuk. Masukkan garam secukup rasa. Hidangan sedia untuk dihidangkan.
Shelf Life : 1.5 years
Storage method : Keep in the crisper of the refrigerator
Ginseng Root & Yok Chok Soup
Nutrition(per serving): Calories/kalori= 182kcal, protein= 4.62g, Saturated fat/lemak tepu= 0.034g, Trans fat/ Lemak trans= 0g, Carbohydrate/karbohidrat= 40.7g, Sugar/gula= 0.5g, Sodium/garam= 0.14g
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